Yellow-Throated Warbler
Dendroica dominica
The Yellow-throated Warbler is a bird that nests and forages high in the canopy of swamp and pine forests. It forages for insects and spiders by creeping along tree branches and probing its long, pointy bill into cracks, crevices, pine needles bundles, and Spanish moss. The Yellow-throated Warbler has a breeding range that is more southerly, a winter range that is more northerly, and has a more extensive resident population in the southern U.S. than most other warblers.
General: 5 to 6 inches in length. Sexes similar.
Adult Male: Yellow throat and chest. Black forehead and face that extends down the neck (bordering yellow throat). White supercilium, crescent under eye, and earpatch (near back of neck). Lores may be white or yellow (depending on race). Large, black bill. Dark-gray back and wings. Two white wingbars. White underparts with black streaks along breast and flanks. White tail spots. Black legs.
Adult Female: Similar to adult male, but duller.
Immature: Similar to adult female. Immature female may have a brownish wash on its back.
Pine forests, sycamore-baldcypress swamp and riparian woodlands during breeding. Woodlands of various kinds, scrub brush and thickets during migration.
3-5 pale-greenish eggs with dark speckles. The eggs have a 12-13? day incubation period. Fledging occurs in ? days. The nest is an open cup made from bark, grasses, weed stems, and lined with plant down and feathers. It is built high in a tree and concealed amoungst pine needles or spanish moss.