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Location: O'ahu, Hawaii
Date: 2005-07-10
Lens: Canon 300mm IS F4 + 1.4x II Converter


Yellow-Fronted Canary Serinus mozambicus


The colorful Yellow-fronted Canary is a member of the finch family. Forages in small flocks on the ground and in grass for seeds and insects.


Greenish-gray upperparts. Yellow underparts and rump. Yellow eyebrow and cheek. Dark malar stripe. Pale conical bill. Sexes similar, but female and juvenile are duller in color. 4.5 inches in length.


Dry open woodlands and cultivated areas. Native to Southern Africa. Introduced to the Hawaiian Islands (O'ahu, Hawaii, Molokai) around the end of the 1960's.


3-4 eggs. The eggs have a ? day incubation period. Fledging occurs in ? days. Compact, open cup nest.

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