Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis
A secretive little sparrow that prefers wet meadows and open fields with fairly short vegetation. They feed on seeds and insects.
Gray-brown upperparts with dark streaks. White underparts with dark streaks. Yellow to white supercilium. Thin white stripe through center of crown. Short, forked tail. Conical bill. Pinkish legs. Sexes similar. 5 to 6 inches in length.
Salt marshes, grasslands, sandy regions, and prairies.
4-6 pale blue-green eggs with dark brown spots speckles. The eggs have a 10-13 day incubation period. Fledging occurs 7-10 days after hatching. The nest is an open cup lined with grass, hair, and plant material. It is usually built on or near the ground.