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Location: Point Loma, CA
Date: 2005-01-15
Lens: Canon 400mm F5.6


Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus


The Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a songbird named for its bright red breast patch. Also, for obvious reasons, it's sometimes referred to as a "cut throat". This grosbeak feeds on insects, seeds, and fruit.


General: 8 inches in length.

Adult Male: Black head, back, wings, and tail. White underparts. Bright red triangular breast patch. White wing patches. Bright red underwing linings. White spots on the tail. White rump. Large, pale, conical bill. Fall and Winter adult, and immature are browner, duller looking, and shows head stripes similar to female.

Adult Female: Dark gray-brown head and upperparts. Bold white eyebrow and crown stripe. Whitish underparts with dark streaks. Yellowish underwing linings. Two white wing bars. Large, pale, conical bill. Immature is similar to adult, but may have buffy breast.


Open woodlands near water. Woodland edges.


4-5 bluish-green eggs with purplish-brown spots. The eggs have a 13-14 day incubation period. Fledging occurs at 9-12 days. The nest is loosely made of twigs, grass, and plant fiber. Built on a low branch of a tree.

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