Red Junglefowl
Gallus gallus
The Red Junglefowl, or Moa, is the ancestor of the domestic chicken. The Red Junglefowl scratches for seeds, fruits, and insects in leaf litter. Brought to the Hawaiian Islands by the first Polynesians, the Red Junglefowl can still be found in wild populations. The colors on the male are amazing. These birds only fly to reach nightime roosting areas or to escape from immediate danger.
Male: Has large red fleshy wattles on the head. Copperish upperparts. Long gold and bronze feathers forming a "shawl" or "cape" over the back of the bird from the neck to the lower back. Dark metallic-blue underparts and tail. Large, sickle-shaped tail. Pale legs and feet. 30 inches in length.
Female: Drab brown. Longe pale and dark feathers along the neck. No fleshy wattles on the head. Pale legs and feet. 17 inches in length.
Dense rainforest. Native to Southern Asia.
? eggs. The eggs have a 18-21 day incubation period.