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Location: Lake Murray, La Mesa, CA
Date: 2007-06-23
Lens: Canon 600mm IS F4 + 1.4x II Converter


Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura


A very common bird in San Diego and can be seen perching high up in a tree. And are often seen perching in pairs. They are easily recognized by their cooo-ah-cooo-cooo-cooo call. Mourning Doves are ground feeders in search of seeds and grains. When they start to fly, their wings make a loud clap and whistling sound. Youngsters are fed a regurgitated, semi-digested goo known as "pigeon milk".


Tan/gray overall. Orange feet and a black bill. Light ring around eye and dark spot on side of neck. Black spots on wings. They have a long tapered tail bordered with white. 11 to 13 inches in length.


Open woodlands, parks, and most everywhere.


2 white eggs with a 13-14 day incubation period. Fledging occurs 12-14 days after hatching. The nest is made of sticks and twigs placed in a tree or bush.


Listen to sounds this bird makes:

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