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Location: Lindo Lake, Lakeside, CA
Date: 2006-12-09
Lens: Canon 600mm IS F4 + 1.4x II Converter


Mandarin Duck Aix galericulata


The Mandarin Duck is highly social, flying in large flocks during winter. The Mandarin Duck is held in high regard in Japanese and Chinese cultures, where it serves as a symbol of happiness and fidelity. The bird can be found throughout Southeast Asia, Russia, and China, with the largest populations found in Japan and England.


General: 17 to 20 inches in length.

Male: Iridescent green and purplish crown extending to a long crest. Long chestnut cheek feathers. Large white crescent eye-stripe extending from bill tapering to the back of the head. Red bill. Maroon breast bordered by vertical black and white stripes. White underside. Gold and black flanks. Olive-brown back and tail. Blue-green upper tail coverts. Outer tertials are orange and gold and form a sail shape. Irridescent blue scapulars. Yellowish legs.

Female: Grayish head and neck. White eye ring and streak that tapers off towards the neck. Whitish throat and fore neck. Buff-gray breast and flanks. Gray-brown back. Grayish-black bill. Reddish-yellow legs. Wing colors similar to males but lack sails. The female resembles the female Wood Duck.

Juvenile: Resembles female. Juvenile males have a pinkish bill.


River valleys with wooded islands, forest lakes with willow-lined banks, and small forest ponds.


9-12 eggs. The eggs have a 28-30 day incubation period. Fledging occurs in 42-56 days. The female incubates the eggs the majority of the time. The nest is a down lined tree cavity.

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