Long-Billed Curlew
Numenius americanus
While at their grassland breeding areas, Long-billed Curlew's feed on insects such as grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles. During migration, they feed on shores and beaches on aquatic invertebrates, seeds, and berries.
Pale buff-brown head, neck, and underparts. Head, neck and flanks are faintly streaked with darker brown. Very long, downward curved, black bill with pinkish base on lower mandible. White eyering. Dusky eyeline. Has a small head and long neck. Dark back with white spots (edges). Brownish rump. Barred tail. Cinnamon wing linings. Juveniles have shorter, less downward curved bills. Sexes similar. 23 to 24 inches in length.
Lake and river shores, mudflats, salt marshes, and sandy beaches durning migration. Grassy plains and prairies during breeding.
4 olive-buff eggs with brown spots. The eggs have a 27-30 day incubation period. Fledging occurs in 32-45 days. The nest is a grass line hollow on the ground.