Hammond's Flycatcher
Empidonax hammondii
The Hammond's Flycatcher flicks its tail and wings more than other Empids. Like other flycatchers, this bird will sit motionless on an exposed perch, then make a quick, darting flight out to catch passing insects.
Olive-gray upperparts. Yellowish underparts. Grayish throat; darker olive-gray breast. Pale yellow belly. Whitish undertail coverts. White eye ring. Triangular shaped crown. Predominately dark lower mandible. White wing bars. 5 to 5.5 inches in length.
High altitude coniferous and mixed forests during summer. Thickets and all forests during migration.
3-4 white eggs, sometimes with spots. The eggs have a 12-15 day incubation period. Fledging occurs in 17-18 days. The nest is an open cup made from plant fiber, bark, pine needles and twigs. It is built on a branch high up (15 - 60 ft) in a coniferous tree. Nests up to 11,000 feet.