Canyon Towhee Pipilo fuscus
The California and Canyon towhees were long considered the same species, called the "Brown Towhee", despite the fact that they have different songs and calls.
Gray-brown upperpart. Pale gray underparts. Rust-colored crown. Dark eye. Conical bill. Buffy throat. Breast has a ring of black spots around a central spot. Long tail. Rust-colored undertail coverts. Juveniles have heavily streaked underparts. Sexes similar. 8 to 10 inches in length.
Brushy and rocky hills in arid country.
3-4 bluish-green eggs lightly spotted with blackish-brown markings. The eggs have a 11 day incubation period. Fledging occurs in 8 days. The nest is an open cup built low in a bush or in a young tree.