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Location: San Diego River Flood Control Channel, San Diego, CA
Date: 2009-03-01
Lens: Canon 600mm IS F4 + 2x Converter


Blue-Winged Teal Anas discors


Ranking fourth in numbers among North Americn ducks, the Blue-Winged Teal is one of the more numerous smaller ducks. They are the latest of all ducks to arrive at their breeding grounds, which they leave early in the fall. Blue-Winged Teals are fast, maneuverable birds that fly in small flocks.


General: 14-16 inches in length.

Male: Buff breast and flanks with dark spots. Gray head with darker crown and white, cresent shaped patch in front of its eye. Pale blue shoulder patches. Black bill. White band at rear of flanks. Green speculum with white leading edge. Orange legs and feet. Male basic similar to female, except forewing is brighter.

Female: Mottled brown body. Paler head with dark crown and eyeline. Pale blue shoulder patches. Pale eye ring, and loral spot. Green speculum with white leading edge. Black bill.

Juvenile: Similar to adult female.


Marshes, ponds, and lakes.


9-12 dull-white eggs. They have a 23-27 day incubation period. Fledging occurs 35-44 days after hatching. The nest is a down-lined hollow. It is usually hidden in grass near the water.

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